Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Dakota's Birthday

Early in the day, Rhonda and I drove to the top of Mt. Spokane while the kids were at school. More than anything, I wanted to share a moment with my wife at a place we both appreciate. The views were breathtaking, and on the return trip we a saw a Great Blue Heron standing on the side of the road. The heron was startled when I stopped the car, but she perched long enough in the trees for me to get a photograph. I take it as a good omen.

A little later I took a hike along the Spokane River and photographed an abandoned bridge.

Dakota celebrated his 10th birthday this afternoon and decided we should all eat at the Old Spaghetti Factory in downtown Spokane. Of course, his parents agreed and made a mini-adventure out of it. We parked near the old Fox Theatre and informally toured the Davenport Hotel before dinner. We watched as the kids pretended to be royalty at a ballroom dance. We also photographed some of the old buildings downtown. After dinner, the wait-staff gave Dakota a bowl of vanilla ice cream with a single candle. We all sang "Happy Birthday" and told him how blessed we feel to have him in our lives.

It was a good day.

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